Do wind turbines break in cold snaps? Here’s how the tech keeps turning in freezing temperatures
From Texas to Sweden, misinformation about wind turbines spreading when temperatures drop. In this detailed report, we will clarify the facts about wind turbines’ resistance to cold weather and address any doubts that may arise.
It is undeniable that wind energy is becoming increasingly crucial for power grids in Europe, covering approximately one-fifth of the region’s energy needs. In Denmark, this number reaches 55%, while in Ireland it is 34%. Furthermore, there are about 3,000 wind turbines in the icy waters of the North Sea and even some in Antarctica.
Therefore, it is evident that these wind turbines are capable of withstanding cold climates. However, as with any form of renewable energy, there are skeptics who like to doubt the efficiency of wind farms. A recent viral post claimed that a cold wave in Sweden resulted in a “massive loss of electricity production” from these parks, insinuating that they would be more efficient “if we had a little global warming.”
While it is difficult to accept this claim in good faith, is there any truth to the stories about wind versus winter?
Do wind turbines freeze in low temperatures?
Wind turbines are designed to withstand freezing temperatures of up to -30 degrees Celsius. Under certain specific weather conditions, it is possible for ice to form on the blades of wind turbines – not only during snowstorms or freezing rain but also during periods of high wind chill or high humidity when there is fog.
This freezing can be concerning as it can affect the aerodynamics of the blades by making their surface less smooth. This decreases their efficiency and can cause balance problems. To avoid these issues, wind turbines may need to be temporarily shut down. WindEurope, the European wind energy association, explains that this happens to prevent damage caused by excessive ice buildup on the blades. The Swedish Wind Energy Association (Svensk Vindenergi) also emphasizes that wind turbines may be shut down for safety reasons to prevent the dangerous release of ice by the blades. However, it is important to note that there are no known records of people being injured by falling ice.
How do wind turbines deal with low temperatures?
Although ice can pose a challenge for wind farm operators, the industry has found various solutions to prevent its formation or melt it.
The modern technology employed in wind turbines includes anti-icing systems implemented in the control rooms of wind farms. These systems incorporate diverse solutions to the problem of ice on the generators’ blades: from internal circulation of heated air to mechanical or anti-icing fluids devices and even special vibrating systems for the blades.
A Swedish company called Skellefteå Kraft pioneered by coating the blades with a thin layer… [continues].
Resumo da Notícia |
Desde o Texas até a Suécia, informações incorretas sobre os aerogeradores se espalham quando as temperaturas caem. |
A energia eólica é crucial para as redes elétricas na Europa, cobrindo aproximadamente um quinto das necessidades energéticas da região. |
Existem cerca de 3.000 aerogeradores nas águas geladas do Mar do Norte e alguns até mesmo na Antártida. |
Os aerogeradores são projetados para suportar temperaturas congelantes de até -30 graus Celsius. |
O congelamento das pás dos aerogeradores pode diminuir sua eficiência e causar problemas de desequilíbrio. |
Os aerogeradores podem ser temporariamente desativados para evitar danos causados pelo acúmulo excessivo de gelo nas pás. |
A indústria implementou sistemas anti-gelo nas salas de controle dos parques eólicos para prevenir a formação de gelo ou derretê-lo. |
Uma empresa sueca chamada Skellefteå Kraft foi pioneira ao revestir as pás com uma camada fina… |
Com informações do site Euronews.